When you are searching for cheap homes for sale by owner, the first thing that you should find out is the median price of the homes for rent in the city where you will live in. By knowing the median it saves your time to filter the cities in which cheap homes for rent are rare or even unavailable. According to a report by business-insider, Green Ville South Carolina and Grand Rapid Michigan are the cities where the median price of homes for sale is cheapest. They are respectively $159,692 and $166,608. According to those referent number, cheap home for sale does not cost more than 159,692 in Green Ville South Carolina, and 166,608 in Grand Rapid Michigan. According to Zillow, in Green Ville, the cheapest home for rent costs $75,000 while in Grand Rapid it costs $115,000.

After knowing the spec and the type of the homes, it is important for you to know the area where the cheap home for sale by owner is. Area or location is one of the main consideration for deciding a home. It is related to their lifestyle, and profession. With such price range of home for sale, most people think that it is better to go to downtown in some minutes or a unit that is closed to shopping center. Fortunately, you can get a unit that cost in such price range that is closed to school and shopping, in addition to it some minutes away from downtown.
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